Once there was a bumble bee name Suna and her task was to collect honey, however
mama Suna was concerned for her well being collecting honey by herself and tried to stop her. This made her very unhappy, annoyed and sad... Suna's happiest moment was when papa was around, both of them went round collecting honey together.

After collecting the honey Suna gave it to her friend name Dana. Dana was a special need child with short hands and prevented her from doing what she wanted. Dana took the honey home and for papa to process the honey which they sold in the market and made good profits.
*Moral of the story: never give up Hope and strive to do one's best...
Background of Child: Mother passed away when she was sick in the hospital. Most of the time she was alone in the hospital. Step mother visited her in the evening as she has her own career. While most children had their mamas with them by their bedside when night falls, Suna was all alone and does not enjoy the warmth of mama. Yet she tried her best to stay 'bubbly' through her laughter.
I have not seen her for quite a while. I recalled vividly the last time we met and she asked me to open my mouth and she fed me with a grape... followed by a grinned...and touched my cheek. Seemed to remind her of 'mummy'... It sure pulled a heartstring in me.
Now that we are working on therapeutic story, I hope I will be the story teller the next time we meet...
No apologies required only our own efforts for critical self reflections towards our own self-awareness and insights. What and How can this experience I am recounting here help me to understand myself? What is important to me in tellling this story of the girls story from all the stories I may have come across and heard? Do you have any reflections about the story itself, what if any communication may the unconscious be attempting to convey to the consciousness. If the story was a dream, what may be the dream messages contain with the imagery that is being transmitted to the dreamer? If this was my own story, what parts or elements will stand out for me and why? If I were to create a story in respose to her story what will be the potential message I may wish to convey to the client and unconsciously to my own self?