Their happiness did not last long and soon a dark spell cast on the village. The season started to change drastically with no rain for countless days. The land was scorched and green leafy vegetables were slowly withering.
The village headman called for a meeting with all the Heads of each family. They decided to perform a special prayer to the Rain God so that the fields would be nourished once again. During the prayer’s session a trance was carried out to communicate to the Rain God. It was told that the villagers have offended the Rain God who was angry with Ah Ming who befriends Princess Yung Xin. She had descended from the heavenly realm and while playing by the river she met Ah Ming who did not know that she was a heavenly princess… Princess YungXin refused to go back to heaven to be with the Rain God and it made him angrier and wanted to punish the earth people.

Princess Yungxin and Ah Ming were very much in love and cannot be separated. The villagers came and begged Ah Ming to let go of Princess YungXin. How can heavenly beings and human beings be together? This is seriously violating the laws of heaven and earth.
Wise Heavenly Lao-tze emerged from heaven and advice the broken heart couple- Princess YungXin and Ah Ming. He proposed a wise plan that Princess YungXin to return to heaven Ah Ming will meet her every 8mth of the Chinese calendar for 15 days. Reluctantly and sadly both Princess YungXin and Ah Ming agreed and they parted...
The rain came back and the fields were nourished again. Flowers grew attracting all the birds n butterflies. The villagers enjoyed good harvest from their crops. Time flies and soon it was 8th month 1st day. The moon was exceptionally bright… Ah Ming wonders whether he will meet Princess YungXin looking up to the sky.
All of a sudden many birds were seen flying in the sky and soon it was obvious that a bridge was seen with all the birds coming closely together ‘chirping’ happily inviting Ah Ming to climb up. Ah Mind did not hesitate and started to climb up on the heavenly bridge built by thousands and thousands of birds coming close together.

Ah Ming continued to walk mindfully and happily, knowing he will soon see Princess YungXin. Though it was a yearly encounter in heaven each 8th month. Ah Ming and Princess YungXin never gave up their hope of being able to meet again and again. When there is hope there is a way…
A rather sweet romantic story. Is this your created story, amended story etc? Always ask when an intentionally and consciously choosen story is for therapeutic purpose what therapeutic objectives is the story aim at? There is a difference when stories are for recreational, entertainment, leisure/pleasure, educational and therapeutic, given that there are overlaps and depending on how it's emphasised and facilitated after the story has been told. It is OK to tell entertaining, recreational, funny, humorous etc stories for pleasure, as this can act as a good warm-up and induction into therapeutic story telling and creation. Provide details of your potential intended target audience, age group, aims of the story. Ask yourself what will your intended listeners gain consciously/unconsciously in terms of working through an issue, dilemma, conflict, developmental transition etc. will it sow a seed in their thinking where it may not have existed before? Will it enhances their problem solving skills etc This will make us think a bit more about the stories chosen, amended or created to be told.
ReplyDeleteHi Alex,
ReplyDeletethanks for input. This was a created story at the beginning using the guidelines from you, however towards the end it became an amended story of the cowherd and the fairy meeting once a year when I was trying to find a fit into the legend. Seemed this story is more for those young adults in relationship issues and obstacles around them. will need to practice more...
romantic affair...
ReplyDeleteonce a year, they are able to meet with each other and remain their love... is not easy isn't it?
Nowadays, the distance relationship are quite difficult, as they are not able to stand alone with the obstacles... haha
i love ur amended version
Hi I-ling,
ReplyDeletethanks ...there is also a saying that says 'absence makes the heart grow fonder...